Symptomatic dermographism, often also called urticaria factitia, belongs to the group of physically inducible urticaria and represents the most common sub-form of physical urticaria. It often occurs with other forms of urticaria.


Itching is particularly severe for patients who suffer from so-called urticaria factitia. Here scratching and rubbing the skin leads to the appearance of new hives 

He refused the 6th dose of omalizumab due  Beyond dermographic urticaria/urticaria factitia, other common forms of physical urticaria include cold urticaria and solar urticaria. Rare physical forms of urticaria   Jul 7, 2017 Dermatographism, or urticaria factitia, has an estimated prevalence of approximately 5% in the general population.2 The condition is  Apr 4, 2017 Antihistamine-resistant urticaria factitia successfully treated with anti- immunoglobulin E therapy. Allergy. 2010; 65: 1494-1495.

Urticaria factitia

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It is generally categorised as either acute  [Effect of ketotifen in urticaria factitia and urticaria cholinergica in a crossover double-blind trial]. [Article in German]. Cap JP, Schwanitz HJ, Czarnetzki BM. Die mittlere Dauer einer Urticaria factitia liegt bei 6,5 Jahren, oft liegt eine Kombination mit einer spontanen chronischen Urtikaria vor. Die Therapie besteht wie bei  31 Mar 2005 The most common symptoms of physical urticaria are itching (pruritus) and hives consisting of red rings around white ridges (wheals).

Urticaria factitia (itching urticarial dermographism) released by suction disks of an electrocardiograph. Küster T, Wentscher U, Happle R Eur J Dermatol 2000 Mar;10(2):151-2. PMID: 10733294

Inducible urticarias are considered subtypes of chronic urticaria. In some patients, a specific physical stimulus is the only trigger for hives, whereas in others, a physical stimulus is an identifiable factor in a case of otherwise idiopathic chronic urticaria (also called chronic spontaneous urticaria). It is the commonest form of physical or chronic inducible urticaria. It is also called dermatographism, dermatographia and dermatographic urticaria.

Urticaria factitia

Severe allergic urticaria may lead to anaphylactic shock (bronchospasm, collapse). Immune complexes due to blood transfusion cause serum sickness and certain drugs cause serum sickness-like reactions. A single episode or recurrent episodes of angioedema without urticaria can be due to an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor drug.

Udløses  5 Mar 2021 Wikipedia : Dermatographic urticaria is a skin disorder and one of the most hyperreactivity in urticarial dermographism and urticaria factitia. urticaria factitia successfully treated with anti-immunoglobulin e therapy. allergy. 2010;65:1494–5.

Urticaria factitia

Etiologi Kyla. Ansträngning (Kolinerg).
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Samsjuklighet. Tyreoidearubbning kan förekomma parallellt med kronisk urtikaria. Tyreoideabehandling påverkar sällan urtikarians förlopp.

(Dermographic Urticaria) The triggering stimulus in dermographic urticaria or Urticaria factitia is the effect of shearing force on the skin brought about during rubbing, scratching or scrubbing (Ill. 3, 4). Urtikaria – Pathogenese und Labordiagnostik Mittwoch 30.
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Die Urticaria factitia (UF) gehört zu den physikalischen Formen der Urtikaria. Der auslösende Reiz der UF ist das Einwirken von Scherkräften auf die Haut, wie sie z. B. beim Reiben, Kratzen oder Scheuern der Haut entstehen. Die Häufigkeit der UF in der Gesamtbevölkerung beträgt je nach Literaturangabe bis zu 5%.

Urtikaria är en vanlig åkomma i huden som definieras av kvaddlar och/eller angioödem. Den är mastcellsdriven genom en utsöndring av cytokiner, där histamin är av störst klinisk betydelse.

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Physical urticarias are a unique subgroup of chronic urticaria in which urticarial responses can be reproducibly induced by different specific physical stimuli acting on the skin. These conditions include urticaria factitia/symptomatic dermographism, delayed pressure urticaria, cold contact urticari …

no. 439 Abstract from 35th Annual European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) Meeting, Tubingen, Germany. Urticaria factitia L50.30 Synonym (e). Definition. Häufigste physikalische Urtikaria mit meist linear angeordneten Quaddeln im Bereich mechanisch irritierter Vorkommen/Epidemiologie. Urticaria factitia wie auch urtikarieller Dermographismus treten häufig zusammen mit anderen Auch interessant. De medische term is urticaria factitia.

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Scots; of obscure orig.] Random House  This variant of chronic urticaria presents as linear erythema and intensely pruritic wheals at sites Urticaria Factitia, Dermographic Urticaria, Factitious Urticaria  Jun 11, 2018 The term dermographism (or dermatographism) literally means writing on the skin. Firm stroking of the skin produces an initial red line (capillary  Jun 10, 2019 The urticaria factitia patient showed no benefit of the add-on 5 months treatment with omalizumab. He refused the 6th dose of omalizumab due  Beyond dermographic urticaria/urticaria factitia, other common forms of physical urticaria include cold urticaria and solar urticaria. Rare physical forms of urticaria   Jul 7, 2017 Dermatographism, or urticaria factitia, has an estimated prevalence of approximately 5% in the general population.2 The condition is  Apr 4, 2017 Antihistamine-resistant urticaria factitia successfully treated with anti- immunoglobulin E therapy. Allergy. 2010; 65: 1494-1495.

A British urticaria study group showed that patients with delayed pressure urticaria and cholinergic urticaria endure the greatest impairment of quality of life (10). Dermographic urticaria or urticaria factitia is a chronic form of physical urticaria, with skin whealing occurring at sites of trauma, friction with clothing, or scratching (1). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Urticaria factitia) Dermatographic urticaria is a skin disorder and one of the most common types of urticaria, affecting 2-5% of the population. Inducible urticarias are considered subtypes of chronic urticaria. In some patients, a specific physical stimulus is the only trigger for hives, whereas in others, a physical stimulus is an identifiable factor in a case of otherwise idiopathic chronic urticaria (also called chronic spontaneous urticaria).